
The Best Whale Moments

The largest animals on land are elephants, while the largest animals in the ocean are whales.
Perhaps it is because the area of the ocean is much larger than that of land, so whales are also many times larger than elephants.

By: Jiaming Chen

How Whales Breathe

Whales are large mammals living in the sea. Like humans, they breathe with their lungs. 

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How Whales Eat

There are many types of whales. Whether the whales have teeth or not would determine what the type of food they eat.

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How Whales Sleep

As higher animals living in the sea, whales also need to sleep just like humans.

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How Whales excrete

A whale can eat about 4000 kilograms of krill every day, and the amount excreted after passing through the digestive tract should not be small.

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Pressure Tolerance

Whales have adapted to the high pressure environment of the deep ocean. The organs, tissues and certain functions of whales have also undergone tremendous changes. 

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How Whales communicate

Whales are experts in long-distance communication. They will have different acoustic characteristics to send signals at different depths of the ocean.

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Freeze Tolerance

Whales are endothermic, or warm-blooded mammals. Endothermic animals refer to animals that can regulate their own body temperature in zoology.

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Limbs Adaptation

We all know that most land animals originated in the ocean. However, some marine animals originated on land, the most famous example is whales. 

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